E259-03 - Forschungsbereich Bauphysik und Bauökologie
Date (published):
Event name:
Current Topics Semestersymposium
Event date:
Event place:
TU Wien, Austria
Singapore; Passive Cooling; Urban Heat Island Effects
Additional information:
A Digital Urban Climate Twin for Singapore
Cooling Singapore2.0
Urban Heat Island effect of up to 7o C
Negative impact of urban heat island effect
Cooling Singapore
Cooling Singapore: Setting the stage (
2012 2020 )
Mitigation strategies to tackle the urban heat island effect
Vision: Enabling urban climate design and management
Objectives: Developing a digital urban climate twin & design guidelines
Digital Urban Climate Twin (DUCT)
CS 2.0 Simulating what if scenarios
Research Areas:
Development and Advancement of the Architectural Arts: 25% Energy Active Buildings, Settlements and Spatial Infrastructures: 50% Modeling and Simulation: 25%