Kählig, P., Ipsmiller, W., Bartl, A., & Lederer, J. (2023). Composition of textile waste in Vienna. In Proceedings SARDINIA 2023. 19th International Symposium on Waste Management, Resource Recovery and Sustainable Landfilling (SARDINIA 2023), Santa Margherita Di Pula, Cagliari, Italy. CISA Publisher.
E166-01-1 - Forschungsgruppe Partikeltechnologie, Recyclingtechnologie und Technikbewertung
Published in:
Proceedings SARDINIA 2023
Date (published):
Event name:
19th International Symposium on Waste Management, Resource Recovery and Sustainable Landfilling (SARDINIA 2023)
Event date:
9-Oct-2023 - 13-Oct-2023
Event place:
Santa Margherita Di Pula, Cagliari, Italy
Number of Pages:
CISA Publisher, Padua
textile waste; sorting analysis; material composition
Any textile recycling approach requires an input material stream of defined purity and the process of choice to achieve this is automated sorting. Establishing sorting centres and feasible sorting fractions for subsequent recycling in a promising manner necessitates a knowledge base regarding composition and contents of (fibre) materials within the textiles to be processed. This study presents the results of a comprehensive sorting analysis, applying a hitherto rarely-used sorting methodology to the city of Vienna, Austria. The results suggest that there is a valid potential for material recycling in sorted end-of-use textiles.
Project title:
Christian Doppler Labor für Design und Bewertung einer effizienten, recyclingbasierten Kreislaufwirtschaft: CD-Labor für Recyclingbasierte Kreislaufwirtschaft (Christian Doppler Forschungsgesells)