Lackner, M., & Maly, J. (2023). Proportional Decisions in Perpetual Voting. In Proceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 5722–5729). AAAI Press.
E192-02 - Forschungsbereich Databases and Artificial Intelligence
Published in:
Proceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Date (published):
Event name:
The 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI -23)
Event date:
7-Feb-2023 - 14-Feb-2023
Event place:
Washington DC, United States of America (the)
Number of Pages:
AAAI Press, Washington, DC, USA
GTEP; Social Choice; Voting; Framework; approval-based elections; Perpetual Voting Rules; Perpetual Voting Framework; Win- and Loss-Based; Research Directions
Perpetual voting is a framework for long-term collective decision making. In this framework, we consider a sequence of subsequent approval-based elections and try to achieve a fair overall outcome. To achieve fairness over time, perpetual voting rules take the history of previous decisions into account and identify voters that were dissatisfied with previous decisions. In this paper, we look at pe...
Perpetual voting is a framework for long-term collective decision making. In this framework, we consider a sequence of subsequent approval-based elections and try to achieve a fair overall outcome. To achieve fairness over time, perpetual voting rules take the history of previous decisions into account and identify voters that were dissatisfied with previous decisions. In this paper, we look at perpetual voting rules from an axiomatic perspective. First, we define two classes of perpetual voting rules that are particularly easy to explain to voters and explore the bounds imposed by this simplicity. Second, we study proportionality in the perpetual setting and identify two rules with strong proportionality guarantees. However, both rules yield different guarantees and we prove them to be incompatible with each other.
Project title:
Algorithms for Sustainable Group Decision Making: P 31890-N31 (FWF - Österr. Wissenschaftsfonds) Eine holistische Analyse von Participatory Budgeting: J 4581-N (FWF - Österr. Wissenschaftsfonds)