Didier, P., Knötig, H. M., Spitz, O., Cerutti, L., Lardschneider, A., Awwad, E., Diaz-Thomas, D., Baranov, A., Weih, R., Koeth, J., Schwarz, B., & Grillot, F. (2023). Interband cascade technology for energy-efficient mid-infrared free-space communication. Photonics Research, 11(4), 582–590. https://doi.org/10.1364/PRJ.478776
Space-to-ground high-speed transmission is of utmost importance for the development of a worldwide broadband network. Mid-infrared wavelengths offer numerous advantages for building such a system, spanning from low atmospheric attenuation to eye-safe operation and resistance to inclement weather conditions. We demonstrate a full interband cascade system for high-speed transmission around a wavelength of 4.18 μm. The low-power consumption of both the laser and the detector in combination with a large modulation bandwidth and sufficient output power makes this technology ideal for a free-space optical communication application. Our proof-of-concept experiment employs a radio-frequency optimized Fabry-Perot interband cascade laser and an interband cascade infrared photodetector based on a type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice. The bandwidth of the system is evaluated to be around 1.5 GHz. It allows us to achieve data rates of 12 Gbit/s with an on-off keying scheme and 14 Gbit/s with a 4-level pulse amplitude modulation scheme. The quality of the transmission is enhanced by conventional pre- and post-processing in order to be compatible with standard error-code correction.
Project (external):
Agence Nationale de la Recherche Direction Générale de l’Armement (DGA European Office of Aerospace Research and Development European Research Council