Bühler-Paschen, S. (2023, July 25). Strange metal behavior in heavy fermion compounds and beyond [Conference Presentation]. Workshop “Correlations in Novel Quantum Materials” 2023, Germany. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/193618
Workshop "Correlations in Novel Quantum Materials" 2023
Event date:
24-Jul-2023 - 28-Jul-2023
Event place:
solid state physics; intermetallic compounds; strongly correlated electron systems
Strange metal behavior - best known as a linear-in-temperature electrical resistivity out of which unconventional superconductivity nucleates - is ubiquitous in many classes of strongly correlated electron systems (1], and has recently also been observed in new flat band platforms. A unified understanding is in high demand. The heavy fermion compound YbRhSiz is a particularly versatile model system for studying this physics. I will present its salient features, including the dynamical scaling of the optical conductivity [2], its superconductivity at ultralow temperatures (3], and its strongly suppressed shot noise [4]. I will also discuss evidence for (some of) these features in other material's classes, the topic of Planckian scattering [5], and how insights gained from all these experimental results may boost the theoretical understanding.
Research Areas:
Metallic Materials: 40% Quantum Many-body Systems Physics: 60%