Strondl, M. (2023, February 23). Model Order Reduction for Open Domain Problems [Conference Presentation]. Annual openCFS meeting 2023, “GM3 Vortmann Hörsaal”, Getreidemarkt 9, 1060, Vienna, Austria.
E325-03 - Forschungsbereich Messtechnik und Aktorik
Date (published):
Event name:
Annual openCFS meeting 2023
Event date:
23-Feb-2023 - 24-Feb-2023
Event place:
"GM3 Vortmann Hörsaal", Getreidemarkt 9, 1060, Vienna, Austria
Helmholtz acoustics; open domain; model order reduction; modal reduction; subspace projection; eigenspace; modeshapes
Additional information:
This presentation was given at the annual openCFS meeting, which is about the development proceedings and application of the FEM code openCFS. It was about he model order reduction via projection into an eigensubspace of an acoustic helmholtz resonator in an open domain, therefore leading to a quadratic eigenvalue problem. Its originality lies in the procedure of selecting relevant modeshapes for the projection basis as well as not linearising the problem before projection.
Research Areas:
Mathematical and Algorithmic Foundations: 33% Modeling and Simulation: 34% Computational System Design: 33%