Bühler-Paschen, S. (2023, March 8). Weyl-Kondo semimetals – Phenomena and stabilization mecha- nisms [Conference Presentation]. APS March Meeting 2023, Las Vegas, United States of America (the).
Gapless electronic topology driven by strong correlations is an emerging field of great interest, with heavy fermion compounds at its forefront. I will report on the giant
signatures of topology observed in Ce₃Bi₄Pd₃, the material on which experiments [1,2], along with theoretical work on nonsymmorphic lattice models [3], have coined the notion of a Weyl-Kondo semimetal, and on the genuine topology control that can be achieved by magnetic field tuning, leading to the annihilation of the material’s Weyl nodes at moderate magnetic fields [4,5]. I will also discuss design strategies for further correlation-driven topological metals, and point to new candidate materials [6,7].
Project (external):
Project ID:
Advanced Grant No 101055088, CorMeTop
Research Areas:
Metallic Materials: 40% Quantum Many-body Systems Physics: 60%