Frangoudis, P., & Murturi, I. (2024, February 28). Distributed Computing Continuum Systems: Emerging approaches for intelligent, self-adaptive and secure operation [Presentation]. Tutorial at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia.
Distributed Computing Continuum Systems (DCCSs) are unleashing a new computing era by seamlessly integrating various computing resources, such as cloud, fog/edge computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), and mobile devices, into a cohesive and integrated continuum. Its cohesive infrastructure adeptly handles a variety of processing demands, guaranteeing a uniform user experience with efficiency. This talk delves into the key features and benefits of DCCSs from the perspective of current computing needs, open challenges, and possible developments that need to be made to DCCS to unleash its widespread potential for most applications. The growing DCCS complexity calls for new approaches that promote their intelligent, self-adaptive, and secure operation. In this direction, starting with an overview of the nascent field of edge intelligence, this talk expands to encompass the whole device-to-cloud continuum and the diverse service that operate on top of it, presenting a research roadmap on four parallel tracks: self-adaptation, inter-relations, monitoring and knowledge, and security.
Project title:
Twinning action for spreading excellence in Artificial Intelligence of Things: 101079214 (European Commission)