Zoboli, O., Weber, N., Braun, F. K., Krampe, J., & Zessner, M. (2024). Systematic underestimation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon aqueous concentrations in rivers. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-024-33787-9
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a widespread group of organic contaminants whose presence in water bodies is cause of severe concern. With few exceptions, the majority of PAHs is hydrophobic, presents a high adsorption affinity, and is thus primarily transported within river systems during high-flow events together with suspended particulate matter (SPM). Evidence exists of analytical challenges related to the incomplete extraction of PAHs adsorbed to solids and thus to a potential negative bias in the chemical analysis of PAHs in bulk water samples with high SPM content. Despite this, partly due to the elevated efforts required to collect representative samples containing sufficient SPM for the separate PAH analysis in this matrix, several investigations rely on the analysis of aqueous samples. This study tests the hypothesis that surveys based exclusively on bulk water may lead to a systematic underestimation of the real contamination level and transport of PAHs in rivers. Six high-turbidity events were examined in three Austrian rivers applying time-integrated sampling and simultaneously analyzing PAHs in total bulk water, filtered water, SPM, and supernatant. Despite an unavoidable degree of uncertainty in such challenging sampling scheme, the results indicate that measurements performed with best available standard methods in bulk water samples determined in average only about 40% of the theoretically expected total PAHs concentrations derived from the analyses in SPM. Such deviation has important implications for the reliable assessment of the compliance with environmental quality standards as well as for surveys aimed to estimate riverine loads, validate emission models, and understand the transport dynamics of PAHs in rivers. Whereas the first objective, e.g., in European countries, is alternatively achieved via monitoring in biota, the latter ones require efforts directed to complement monitoring campaigns with separate sampling of SPM, with monitoring of suspended solids transport to appropriately select and interpret the results of water samples and to improve the chemical analysis of PAHs in bulk water samples with high solids content.
Project title:
(A - NaWas16) - Weiterentwicklung und Betrieb der Online-Messstation und Auswertung der Überwachungsdaten für das Jahr 2022 mit besonderem Augenmerk auf Erfassung der Konzentrationen und Frachten von Per- und polyfluorierten Alkylverbindungen (PFAS): GZ (BM für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, U und Wasserwirtschaft) (A - StraMoS) Probenahme Strategien für unterscheiedliche Aspekte des Monitorings von Spurenstoffen in Gewässern: 2023-0.066.285 (Bundesministeriun f. Land- u. Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft) Vermeidung von Einträgen gefährlicher Spurenstoffe im Donaueinzugsgebiet: DTP3-299-2.1. (BM für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, U und Wasserwirtschaft; European Commission)
Project (external):
Austrian Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management
Project ID:
NaWas Station 17
Research Areas:
Sustainable Production and Technologies: 40% Efficient Utilisation of Material Resources: 20% Environmental Monitoring and Climate Adaptation: 40%