Steinbrunner, B., Schartmüller, L., & Grinzinger, E. (2024). Raising awareness of land use, soil sealing and internal development with the “Walk & Talk” Method. In Game changer? Planning for just and sustainable urban regions (pp. 550–550).
E280-08 - Forschungsbereich Bodenpolitik und Bodenmanagement E280-07 - Forschungsbereich Regionalplanung und Regionalentwicklung
Published in:
Game changer? Planning for just and sustainable urban regions
Date (published):
Event name:
AESOP Annual Congress: Game changer? Planning for just and sustainable urban regions (2024)
Event date:
8-Jul-2024 - 12-Jul-2024
Event place:
Paris, France
Number of Pages:
land use planning; awareness; walk and talk
As is the case with climate change, land take and soil sealing in Austria are issues that requires rapid action, but are not yet considered by the general public with the appropriate urgency. In addition to its significance for food supply, biomass production and as a habitat for humans, animals and plants, soil also plays an essential role in combating climate change, for instance as a water and carbon reservoir. The pressure on the available soil reserves due to intensified use and the simultaneous demand for soil protection is considerable, as the permanent settlement area only makes up about a third of the total area Asutrias. For political decision-makers, it is therefore essential to gain the understanding and support of the population for the necessary protection and adaptation measures. The goal of reducing land consumption and soil sealing – to 2.5 hectares per day by 2030 according to the current government programme and to “net zero” by 2050 according to the European Commission – is still abstract and intangible for many people, even when the figure is expressed in terms of football pitches. In connection with this, the project “Soil Walks” examines how a walk & talk format, based on Burckhardt’s “strollology”, can contribute to sustainable, broadly effective awareness-raising for land consumption, soil sealing and inner development. During a walk through their own municipality, these topics are discussed and visualised with decision makers and inhabitants in order to increase the understanding of the problems, to generate awareness as a motivating impulse for active participation and to increase the acceptance of spatial planning measures for the careful use of soil as a resource. Within the framework of the project, “Soil Walks” will be carried out and documented in several different test areas. The method will then be prepared in the form of training videos so that the awareness-raising walks can take place in all Austrian municipalities and regions in a self-organised manner by local planners, local government officials, building culture officers, vacancy managers, land conservation officers, educators etc. In addition, a data dashboard will be developed to visualise key figures on land consumption and soil sealing in Austrian regions.
Project title:
Soil Walks: Bewusstsein für Flächeninanspruchnahme, Versiegelung und Innenentwicklung: 101867 (BM f. Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Regionen und Wasserwirtschaft)