Edthofer, A., Feldhammer, I., Fenzl, T., Körner, A., & Kreuzer, M. (2024). Permutation Entropy as a Conceptual Model to Analyse Brain Activity in Sleep. In M. Mujica Mota & P. Scala (Eds.), Simulation for a Sustainable Future (pp. 205–218). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-68435-7_15
Sleep stage classification is a widely discussed topic, due to its importance in the diagnosis of sleep disorders, e.g. insomnia. Analysis of the brain activity during sleep is necessary to gain further insight into the processing that occurs in our brains. We want to use permutation entropy as a model for this analysis. Therefore, the signal processing in terms of electroencephalography is described. This results in a time discrete signal, that can be further processed by applying the method of permutation entropy, which is a modification of the Shannon entropy
as a measure of information processing. The method is applied to 18 data sets, nine electroencephalography measurements of patients suffering from insomnia and nine of people without a sleep disorder. A strong correlation between the permutation entropy value and the sleep stages was found during the simulation runs. The results are analysed and presented using boxplot diagrams of the permutation entropy over the sleep stages. Furthermore, it is investigated that there is a steady decrease in the value when the patient is in a deeper sleep. This suggests that the method is a good parameter for sleep stage classification. Finally, we propose an extension of the conceptual model to other pathological conditions and also to the analysis of brain activity during surgery.