Marcelino, C., & Nastic, S. (2024). CWASI: A WebAssembly Runtime Shim for Inter-function Communication in the Serverless Edge-Cloud Continuum. In SEC ’23: Proceedings of the Eighth ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (pp. 158–170). ACM.
Serverless Computing brings advantages to the Edge-Cloud contin-uum, like simplified programming and infrastructure management. In composed workflows, where serverless functions need to exchange data constantly, serverless platforms rely on remote services such as object storage and key-value stores as a common approach to exchange data. In WebAssembly, functions leverage WebAssembly System Interface to connect to the network and exchange data via remote services. As a consequence, co-located serverless functions need remote services to exchange data, increasing latency and adding network overhead. To mitigate this problem, in this paper, we intro-duce CWASI: a WebAssembly OCI-compliant runtime shim that determines the best inter-function data exchange approach based on the serverless function locality. CWASI introduces a three-mode communication model for the Serverless Edge-Cloud continuum. This communication model enables CWASI Shim to optimize inter-function communication for co-located functions by leveraging the function host mechanisms. Experimental results show that CWASI reduces the communication latency between the co-located serverless functions by up to 95% and increases the communication throughput by up to 30x.
Project title:
Trustworthy, Energy-Aware federated DAta Lakes along the Computing Continuum: 101070186 (European Commission)