Mohammad, M. (2024). Historization of conceptual models using knowledge graphs [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
E194 - Institut für Information Systems Engineering
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conceptual modeling; knowledge graph; version control
The goal of this thesis is to examine how Conceptual Models (CMs) can be historized through the use of Knowledge Graphs (KGs) to manage their evolution more effectively. The study develops and evaluates a prototype which enhances semantic representation and querying for model changes in a dynamic nature unlike traditional version control systems. Through systematic testing, the prototype demonstrated enhanced traceability and manageability of model versions. These findings reveal that KGs are good at dealing with complex evolution of models, although there are still some difficulties, such as feature integration and transformation complexity. This contribution advances the field of Version Control Systems (VCs) by demonstrating where KGs might be useful in the historical representation of CMs and suggesting directions for future enhancements.