Leopold, T., & Jantsch, A. (2024). Colorado Potato Beetle Dataset and Detection for Monitoring and Management in Potato Fields. In Proceedings of the Workshop on AI Certification, Fairness and Regulations in conjunction with the Austrian Symposium on AI, Robotics, and Vision (AIRoV) (pp. 239–248).
E384-02 - Forschungsbereich Systems on Chip E056-10 - Fachbereich SecInt-Secure and Intelligent Human-Centric Digital Technologies E056-16 - Fachbereich SafeSeclab
Erschienen in:
Proceedings of the Workshop on AI Certification, Fairness and Regulations in conjunction with the Austrian Symposium on AI, Robotics, and Vision (AIRoV)
Datum (veröffentlicht):
AIRoV – The First Austrian Symposium on AI, Robotics, and Vision
25-Mär-2024 - 27-Mär-2024
Innsbruck, Österreich
Peer Reviewed:
Object Detection; Machine Vision; Robotics in Agriculture; Datasets; Pest Detection
The Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) remains a significant threat
to potato crops worldwide, imposing substantial economic losses and challeng-
ing sustainable agricultural practices. Manual pest control methods are labor-
intensive, inefficient, and often insufficient to prevent widespread infestations. To
address this challenge, we propose automated pest detection, have developed a
labeled dataset (POBED), and studied several object detection models. Particu-
larly YOLOv6 and CO-DETR, demonstrated promising performance in identifying
Colorado potato beetle (CPB) stages, with AP IoU =.50 = 72.7% for YOLOv6
and AP IoU =.50 = 79.2% for CO-DETR. Despite challenges with background
elements and labeling inconsistencies, this research highlights the potential of
such models for generating detailed infestation maps and guiding targeted pest
control strategies. Further refinement and exploration, including integration with
autonomous removal mechanisms, offer exciting avenues for enhancing pest man-
agement efficiency and sustainability in agriculture
Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology: 60% Computer Engineering and Software-Intensive Systems: 10% Automation and Robotics: 30%