Molzer, G., & Ledermann, F. (2019). Interactive Web-based 3D Solar Shadow Map. In LBS 2019; Adjunct Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Location-Based Services / Gartner, Georg; Huang, Haosheng. Wien.
Urban areas are characterized by a complex topography of buildings, terrain, vegetation and temporary structures, which, depending on their extent, geometry, geographic location and daytime, cast shadow on their surroundings. Given the importance of sunlight for various groups of interest and tasks, we argue that a comprehensive, accessible, and intuitive way of predicting its availability is surprisingly lacking. In our research, we investigate how to enable the visual communication of urban solar conditions for various real-world usage scenarios like finding a sunny spot in the vicinity, parking a solar car in the sun, or taking a photograph of a particular building in a favorable light. Furthermore, since such activities span over time, a visualization of shadow motion is desired. A web-based prototype is being created in order to evaluate technical feasibility as well as user acceptance.