Apfelthaler, K. (2015). Führung und Teamarbeit in klassischen und agilen Projekten [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm. https://doi.org/10.34726/hss.2015.29841
Agil approaches - with Scrum leading the way - increasingly gain public interest. The advantages that agil methodes bring about speak for themselves: Faster reactions to changing requirements, stronger customer orientation as well as higher motivation and integration of project members. Agil methods can influence the productivity positively and show new ways of collaboration and variability for stakeholders. Furthermore various challenges not only for the individual role but also for the entire company need to be taken into consideration. The master thesis deals with roles of classic project management, project organisations and the roles of the agil approaches. For each role definitions are analysed, additionally the commonalities and differences between classic and agil role models are examined and finally criteria for the choice of the most appropriate approach are pointed out. For the practical part of this thesis interviews with six experts from different companies were held. They were asked about their experiences with classic and agil approaches as well as how those roles are applied in practice. Subsequently the results are interpreted. On basis of two studies the international trends are examined in terms of agil approaches. The insights dealing with the introduction and the handling of agil methods are summarised and recommendations for the success of agile projects are given.