Moderbacher, A. (2014). Development of electrical characterization techniques for nanowire based GaN [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der elektrischen Charakterisierung von GaN Substraten auf der Basis von GaN Nanodrähten
The title of the thesis is "Development of electrical characterization techniques for nanowire based GaN" and was carried out by Andreas Moderbacher under supervision of Jonas Ohlsson (QuNano AB), Kristian Storm (faculty of engineering at Lund University) and Jurgen Smoliner (Institut for Solid State Electronics at Vienna University of Technology) in 2014. The aim of this thesis was to develop a process which enables electrical characterization techniques on nanoscale GaN structures to nd the density and mobility of charge carriers. Contacting these structures in a way that allows measurements was a main goal and was achieved successfully. Working independently with clean room facilities after gaining experience with the procedures and equipment needed for the processing was essential therefore. Two-point measurements and four-point measurements were successfully implemented. Following these initial results, preliminary Hall measurements on the nanowire-based GaN were also performed.
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