Vankova, K. (2017). Synergistic improvement of Hikifune neighborhood in Sumida Ward, Tokyo city [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Synergetische Revitalisierung; Naturgefahrenprävention; urbane Belastbarkeit und Nachhaltigkeit; Stadterneuerung; soziale Diversifikation
synergistic improvement; natural disaster risk prevention; urban resilience and sustainability; urban renewal; social diversification
Hikifune is a neighborhood with a distinct atmosphere and historical background that defy its urban tissue today. The conducted analysis of the area reveals that poor planning since the urbanization in the twentieth century on one hand, and confronting challenges in terms of disaster vulnerability, demographics, economics, and environment on the other, are posing serious issues for the future of the district. These issues are so entangled and mutually reinforcing that observing each of them separately and looking for respective individual solutions would be like curing only the symptoms of a disease. Instead, the following work will address these problems in their complex entity, discover the potentials within the system and transform the problematic interdependency into a successful urban synergy. The goal is to propose a new approach for city planning, cross over disciplinary boundaries and use knowledge and innovation as the main instruments to design the future resilient community. The connection between people and city is the engine of urban progress. In this respect, in order to increase the resilience and the livability of the neighborhood, the overall awareness of the residents about the facing issues must rise. Only then, with the locals- participation and the support of an engaged coordination institution, gradual changes would start happening. The multifunctional plan is anticipated to create only prerequisites for a synergistic improvement at district and site scale, while leaving it flexible and letting it grow organically. Finally, the objective of the chosen area is to become a pilot project and give directions for future city design in a global context.
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