Woltran, S. (2010). Strong Equivalence in Argumentation. In J. Dix, J. Leite, G. Governatori, & W. Jamroga (Eds.), Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems (p. 14). Lecture Notes/ Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-14977-1_4
CLIMA XI - 11#^{th} International Workshop on Computational Logis in Multi-Agent Systems
Event date:
16-Aug-2010 - 17-Aug-2010
Event place:
Lisbon, Portugal, EU
Number of Pages:
Lecture Notes/ Springer, 6245
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
The problem of equivalence has received substantial attention
in the knowledge-representation (KR) community in the past several
years. This is due to the fact that the replacement theorem from
classical logic does not necessarily hold in typical (non-monotonic) KR formalisms. In fact, the problem is as follows: Consider a theory S is replaced by another theory S within a larger knowledge base T. Naturally, one wants to ensure that the resulting knowledge base (T \ S) ∪ S has the same meaning as T. But this is not guaranteed by standard equivalence between S and S under nonmonotonic semantics, and therefore, stronger notions of equivalence are required. In particular, the following definition of equivalence guarantees that a replacement as discussed above is faithful: two theories S and S are called strongly equivalent, if and only if S ∪ T and S ∪ T have the same same meaning for each theory T.