Standl, B. (2013). Conceptual Patterns for Secondary School Computer Science Education. In Proceedings of the 8th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education on - WiPSE ’13 (pp. 45–46). ACM Press.
Proceedings of the 8th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education (ACM WiPSCE)
Event date:
11-Nov-2013 - 13-Nov-2013
Event place:
Aarhus, Denmark, EU
Number of Pages:
ACM Press, New York
This work presents an approach how student-centered computer science lessons at secondary school level were captured and described as a collection of 24 patterns. This pattern network is supposed to support computer science teachers in designing student-centered computer science lessons. Each pattern emerged from an iterative process of combining practical classroom experiences with humanistic pedagogical theories. The pattern form is based on C. Alexander's approach [2] and was modified for computer science education. Hence a pattern includes a title, description, problem, forces, solution, UML visualization and a suggestion how to apply it in computer science lessons.