Komori, S. (2017). Proceeding the transition to renewable energy systems in Tottori [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm. https://doi.org/10.34726/hss.2017.51248
Many countries, cities and areas have been successfully approaching 100% renewable energy. A lot of knowledge have been obtained in that effort. On the other hand, it is not high level the target of switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy in Japan. For this reason, local municipalities are not clearly showing specific targets of renewable energy introduction. Research institutions such as national and universities have data on the introduction status of renewable energy in each region and future possibilities and it is possible to consider switching to 100% renewable energy. In this research, utilizing the experiences of energy transformation in the world, we are planning to switch to 100% renewable energy in a certain area of Japan. The transformation will develop the environment, the economy and the job creation, at same time It prevent global warming. And then I would like to accelerate the shift to renewable energy in Japan.