Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis 2018)
Event date:
4-Jun-2018 - 8-Jun-2018
Event place:
Brno, Czech Republic, EU
Number of Pages:
Eurographics / VGTC
The Eurographics Association
Peer reviewed:
Visualization; CV; Resume
Curriculum Vitae (CV) is an established representation of a person's academic and professional history. A typical CV is comprised of multiple sections associated with spatial, temporal, nominal, and ordinal data. Commonly, comparing and assessing CVs is done by viewing them in a side-by-side fashion. This becomes challenging when comparing more than two CVs, because the reader is required to switch attention back and forth, the overview becomes cluttered, and assessing the CVs becomes a nontrivial task. In order to address this challenge, we propose the design and implementation of an interactive exploration environment capable of comparing multiple CVs, visualizing their information in a clear manner, whilst maintaining a clean overview. Our approach offers users a new way to explore, assess, and compare multiple CVs.
Project title:
Interactive Music Mapping Vienna: Exploring a City, 1945 up to the present day: AR 384-G24 (Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF))
Research Areas:
Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology: 60% Information Systems Engineering: 40%