foresight; corporate foresight; multiple perspectives; foresight tools; strategy process
foresight; corporate foresight; multiple perspectives; foresight tools; strategy process
The topic of this master thesis is corporate foresight with a focus on the multiple perspectives of a strategic foresight process within a company to create and maintain a high-quality forward view. Especially in a fast-changing world with uncertainty and discontinuous change, the foresight process of identifying upcoming future impacts gets more and more attention. The aim of this thesis is to give an overview about foresight in general, to dive into the depth of corporate foresight and describing the foresight 2.0 systems and the related foresight support systems. However, small to mid-size companys sometimes struggle with a clear approach on corporate foresight within the company, particularly when different departments have to align their forward view to create value out of the corporate foresight process. The research questions focus on who does foresight, with which tools and which outcome within one company and how can new technologies support in this process. How this process works out in a mid-size company in the chemical industry is finally described, evaluated and critically discussed.