Mehri, S., & Alesheikh, A. A. (2019). A location-based service for planning tool. In LBS 2019; Adjunct Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Location-Based Services / Gartner, Georg; Huang, Haosheng. Wien.
Location-based; Natural hazard; social vulnerability
The social vulnerability concept links the environment to human life and makes it clear to understand how distinct social groups are affected by disasters. In this context, the assessment of location-based social vulnerability (LBSV) in GIsystems will play an important role not only to understand the affected social groups but also to predict their geographic location to facilitate effective decision-making and rescue process. Therefore, in this paper, we looked at this concept as a base of developing location-based service for rescue purposes. This paper represents part of research which is in progress. Within this framework, the paper aims to apply a proven method for assessing social vulnerability in GIsystem to earthquakes in East Azerbaijan province in Iran. The methodology is based on Social Vulnerability Index (SoVI) approach with 23 customized variables. For validation, results were compared to the Ahar-Varzegan earthquake that happened in 2012. This research provides useful information for identifyin the places most likely to experience casualties due to socioeconomic and demographic characteristics. So this information is useful for planning rescue teams. Also, results are useful for making better development plans.