van Nieuwenhuyse, H. (2018). Development of a Sales Agent business model within the Automotive & Motorsport Industry [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Automotive and Motorsport industry; independent Sales Agent; business case; improving business performance
Automotive and Motorsport industry; independent Sales Agent; business case; improving business performance
This academic paper covers analysis and development of a Sales Agent business case in the Automotive and Motorsport Industry. Currently the Automotive market is still growing but it is going to be more and more competitive and challenging for buyers (customers) and sales (suppliers). Crucial aspects are increasing cost pressure and always further changing and improving technology. A supply of complete systems (modules) with single components from various suppliers show big potential for improvement. This research is focused on analyzing methods to specify the business model and finally verify this model through a survey. If any new potentials or risks will be identified by analyzing methods or survey, these outcomes are going to be implemented into the business model again. Legal regulations and how an agreement between Sales Agent and supplier may look like will be analyzed and specified. Result of the master thesis show if a Sales Agent will be beneficial and the better choice for both sides - suppliers and customers. A Sales Agent business case can be an opportunity for the Automotive & race car Motorsport Industry. Ultimately, it is the goal of this business case to show a potential way to improve business performance in that Automotive & Motorsport market.
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