Graniczkowska, C. (2022). Influence factors in the perception of differences in directed acyclic graphs [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
The visual comparison of directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) plays an important role in various fields of application like in informatics, biology, economy and many more. With the constant growth of data and the increasing complexity in graphs, the demand for comparison tools is growing. To determine, which factors influence the perception of differences in graphs, there has to be done some basic research to facilitate analyzing graphs.In this master thesis we will presents results from a quantitative and qualitative study with 49 participants. The goal of the study was to test whether color and the factors graph size, whitespace, position, multicolored/uniform surrounding, and edge length influence the perception of differences between graphs and the order in which they are perceived as well as to determine the search strategies of the participants.