Janu, P. B. (2016). World’s Culture - the analysis of a possible start-up of a self-sustaining cross-cultural research organization [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/78254
culture comparison study; business model generation; research innovation
be developed including a rough budget model calculation. Those results will then be further analyzed and discussed. Topics are the developments within this thesis, the general fitness of the business model, possible strategic project modifications and their financial advantages, relevant risk factors and further needs for a significant statement to the enterprise feasibility. The findings will show promising results for the fitness of and chances for the business model with a fast project realization and study implementation to quite reasonable budget needs, soon also returning good revenues. Nevertheless, some factors will remain in the need for further investigations with especially one for now unpredictable risk factor critical for the actual feasibility. This will appear within the intended study execution through company analyses and the connected dependence on the voluntary and honest participation of their employees. The thesis will then finally be finished with a conclusion including recommended further steps and a statement to the suggested enterprise-s potential and the possible potential also within other approaches than a cross-cultural study.