Schaffer, C. (2016). Experimentelle Untersuchung wesentlicher Einflussparameter auf den Schubtragfähigkeitswiderstand von gründerzeitlichem Mauerwerk [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
The building stock of Central European cities is largely comprised of historical buildings that form part of our cultural heritage. Particularly, a vast amount of masonry buildings from the late 19th century period still exist and need to be modified to meet today-s demands. Therefore, changes of use, attic extensions or additions of storeys etc. become necessary and in turn require the historic building structure to conform to current standards. For this purpose, a realistic - and scientifically hotly debated - appraisal of the material behaviour of the historic masonry is crucial. Particularly specialists of earthquake analysis throughout Europe are looking for successful ways to depict reality. The main aim of this thesis was to experimentally determine characteristics of masonry and compare these with values given in Eurocode 8. For this purpose, specimens were built from historic bricks and lime mortar. A series of experiments was then conducted to identify the mortar strength according to ÖNORM EN 1015-11, as well as the inertial shear strength according to ÖNORM EN 1052-3 and the capacity graph. The latter was used to calculate the test specimens- behaviour factor. In addition, the length of the compressed part of the wall was analysed and compared to the value given in ÖNORM EN 1996. It was thus possible to verify important influencing factors for the shear capacity calculation of masonry from the late 19th century.
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