Pratschner, S., Blazek, T., Zöchmann, E., Ademaj, F., Caban, S., Schwarz, S., & Rupp, M. (2019). A spatially consistent MIMO channel model with adjustable K factor. IEEE Access.
In the area of research on massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), two assumptions on the wireless channel dominate channel modeling. Either, a rich scattering environment is assumed and the channel is modeled as i.i.d. Rayleigh fading, or, a line of sight (LOS) channel is assumed, enabling geometric channel modeling under a farfield assumption. However, either of these assumptions represents an extreme case that is unlikely to be observed in practice. While there is a variety of MIMO channel models in literature, most of them, and even very popular geometry based stochastic channel models, are not spatially consistent. This is especially problematic for technologies in which channel correlation of adjacent users is an important factor, such as massive MIMO. In this work, we introduce a simple but spatially consistent MIMO channel model based on multiple scattering theory. Our proposed channel model allows to adjust the Rician K factor by controlling the number and strength of scattering elements. This allows to perform spatially consistent simulations of wireless communications systems for a large range of scattering environments in between an i.i.d. Rayleigh fading assumption and pure LOS channels. A statistical analysis in terms of the Rician K factor for the introduced model is provided and verified by simulations. By comparison to other channel models, we show that non spatially consistent channel models lead to an underestimation of inter-user correlation and therefore to an overestimation of achievable sum rate.