Slijepčević, D. (2015). PIR sensor- based location detection device for active and assisted living applications [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
E187 - Institut für Gestaltungs- und Wirkungsforschung
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Wireless; AAL; Applikationen
wireless; AAL; applications
In recent years, the use of Assistive Technologies to enhance the independence of disabled and elderly people steadily increased. In this respect, robots that help disabled or elderly people to manage their everyday lives through different interactions can play an important role. In order for these robots to fulfil their tasks in an efficient way, the precise monitoring of the person-s position and/or movement is crucial. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is the development of an energy-efficient system to determine the position of a person in a room. For this purpose, up to 8 passive infrared sensors (PIR-sensors) will be suspended from the ceiling and arranged in a circle, to allow the coverage of every wall and corner of the room. Thereby, the room will be separated into 8 distinguishable sectors, each of which would provide the required information on the current location of a person. This multi-sectoral PIR-sensor should be powered by a battery which will be charged by switching on the light in the room. In order to minimise the energy consumption and optimise the power supply for the communication between the multi-sectoral PIR-sensor and the base, the EnOcean technology should be used. This technology has been designed and optimised for energy harvesting and is commonly used for wireless applications with low power consumption.
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