Mewald, K. (2015). Cloud computing in Austria’s public sector : barriers to technology acceptance and how to overcome them [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
cloud computing; technology acceptance; public sector; Austria; barriers
This thesis investigates existing barriers to technology acceptance of cloud computing in the Austrian public sector and approaches to overcome them. Data from literature research and expert interviews with cloud vendors and representatives of the public sector is analysed using behavioural models of technology acceptance and a model describing the diffusion of innovation. A consolidated model of barriers to cloud computing in Austria¿s public sector combines the models and the research results. Conclusions on the barriers and possible approaches are drawn from the available sources and they are matched with the involved stakeholders. The results point towards the fact that the stakeholders in Austria¿s public sector have understood the benefits of cloud computing such as cost savings and better services for citizens, but have not made the step to apply this to the context of public administration due to a lack of specific ideas for use cases. Moreover, a strong consciousness of risk means that the public sector limits its considerations to a private cloud operated by a government body, which has already been implemented in part. For an off-premise cloud operated by a vendor from the private sector there is a number of barriers, including legal, organisational and psychological factors. Several approaches are identified to overcome these barriers. In fact, many of them are already followed, but to leverage the full potential of cloud computing for the public sector in Austria, further efforts are necessary from the involved stakeholders in European and national politics as well as on the side of vendors from the private sector.