Demir, M. R. (2016). Ein Frauenhaus in Mardin / Türkei [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
In der türkischen Stadt Mardin soll ein Frauenhaus entstehen. In den Jahren 1915/16 wurden unterschiedslos die meisten arabischen, aramäischen und armenischen Christen der Stadt im Zuge des Völkermords an den Armeniern und an den Aramäern umgebracht. Erstmals fand am 15. August 1915 ein öffentlicher Handel mit armenischen Frauen statt. Die Stadt Mardin ist die Hauptstadt der gleichnamigen Provinz Mardin im türkischen Teil Mesopotamiens. Die uralte Stadt liegt im Südosten der Türkei, rund 20 km nördlich der Grenze zu Syrien und nicht weit von der zum Irak. Die Situation durch die nahe Grenze zu Syrien ist derzeit geprägt von einem Flüchtlingsstrom. Insbesondere Frauen und Kinder sind schutzlos der verfahrenen Lebenslage ausgeliefert.
Half-Way Women Village Mardin Unstable political conditions, cracks in a post colonial euro-centric world map are responsible for the displacement of millions of people in the last decade. The Middle East is on fire and the socially and religious oppressed women are the most threatened by expulsion and violence. Turkey on the border between Europe and the Middle East seems to be a visionary place for this idealistic project which shall provide shelter for displaced women. The intended positioning of the project along a slope at the outskirts of a small city aim to create a protected atmosphere for all future inhabitants. The village not only provides a habitat for threatened women but also possibilities and means of production in order to enable an independent life. Main idea is to create a living environment which offers their inhabitants a variety of productive activities like local handcraft, cooperative farming or textile craft workshops and lectures. These activities can be seen as therapy for the women and also educate them to be able to survive outside the village if they decide to leave the community. The environment features varying degrees of private and open living spaces providing shelter from acute traumatized to rehabilitated women. The project combines along a terraced slope a series of agricultural spaces and workshops helping to provide a self-sufficient live. Social work, medical, psychiatric and other similar services are offered additionally. Different to other half-way shelters, this village is open to public during the day and is supposed to function like a bazaar were its inhabitants are able to sell their produced goods while at night the inhabitants will remain among themselves as the only entrance of the village will be closed. The Design of the village is blending into the urban fabric and architecture of the local surrounding. It creates a connection to Mardin by resembling the local type of stairs, courtyards and small places enclosed by terraced houses.
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