Krejs, B., & Petra Gell. (2022, September 20). Artist Talk: INSPIRACE 2 GRAPHIC OF THE SPAC [Presentation]. ARTIST TALK: INSPIRACE 2: GRAPHIC OF THE SPACE, VILLA TUGENDHAT, Brno, Czechia.
ARTIST TALK: Petra Gell & Bernadette Krejs
Accompanying programme to the first exhibition in the “Possibilities of Inspiration through Architecture” series, which will present several contemporary artistic approaches to the reflection of architecture.
Petra Gell and Bernadette Krejs will talk and walk the visitors through the exhibition and selected aspects of Villa Tugendhat which enter into a dialogue with Petra Gell’s site specific work.
Research Areas:
Development and Advancement of the Architectural Arts: 70% Beyond TUW-research foci: 30%