Thürk, F., Elenkov, M., Waldmann, A. D., Böhme, S., Braun, C., Adler, A., & Kaniusas, E. (2019). Influence of reconstruction settings in electrical impedance tomography on figures of merit and physiological parameters. Physiological Measurement.
E354 - Electrodynamics, Microwave and Circuit Engineering
Physiological Measurement
Date (published):
Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP)
Peer reviewed:
electrical impedance tomography; image reconstruction; GREIT; figures of merit; tidal volume; center of ventilation
Objective: Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is a non-invasive and relatively cheap imaging technique allowing continuous monitoring of lung function at the bedside. However, image reconstruction and processing are not yet standardized for clinical use, limiting comparability and reproducibility between studies. In addition, optimal reconstruction settings still have to be identified for different clinical applications. In this work (i) a systematic way to select ‘good’ EIT algorithm parameters is developed and (ii) an evaluation of these parameters in terms of correct functional imaging and consistency is performed. Approach: First, 19 200 reconstruction models are generated by full factorial design of experiment in 5D space. Then, in order to quantify the quality of reconstruction, known conductivity changes are introduced and figures of merit (FoM) are calculated from the response image. These measures are further used to select a subset of reconstruction models, matching certain FoM thresholds, and are then used for in vivo evaluation. For this purpose, EIT images of one piglet are reconstructed to assess changes in tidal impedance and end-expiratory lung impedance, at positive end expiratory pressure of