Wagner, P. (2019). The implementation of energy efficiency in Austria: an analysis of the EU energy Efficiency directive and the Austrian energy efficiency act with a focus on energy efficiency in companies [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm. https://doi.org/10.34726/hss.2019.66878
Energy Efficiency; EU Energy Efficiency Directive; #mission2030; Energy Audit; Enegieeffizienzgesetz
Energy Efficiency; EU Energy Efficiency Directive; #mission2030; Energy Audit; Enegieeffizienzgesetz
This master thesis focuses on the implementation of energy efficiency in Austria. For that, the EU Energy Efficiency Directive and the Austrian Energy Efficiency Act were analyzed as well as the role of energy efficiency in the Austrian climate and energy strategy #mission 2030. This thesis further examines energy efficiency in companies by looking into the status of energy audits. In order to get decent results, a thorough literature review was conducted together with expert interviews in the field of energy audits. The results show that energy efficiency plays a major role in decarbonization, which is the headline goal for the EU until 2050 and also in the Austrian climate and energy strategy #mission 2030. There are especially energy efficiency potentials in the mobility and buildings sectors and thus this thesis also looks into these fields in particular. In terms of energy efficiency in companies, energy audits are a tool to increase energy efficiency within companies. It was found that the proposed energy efficiency measures are largely implemented by companies, however there is still potential for improvements not only in obligated, large companies but in several fields in Austria.