Pölzl, A. M. (2019). Energy independence through renewable energies - Hawaii’s challenge to become a clean energy leader [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm. https://doi.org/10.34726/hss.2019.66873
Renewable Energy; Energy independence; energy security; Hawaii; United States; renewable portfolio standard; energy strategy
Renewable Energy; Energy independence; energy security; Hawaii; United States; renewable portfolio standard; energy strategy
The state of Hawaii is among the most remote places of the world. With a rich abundance of the natural resources they need in order to produce electricity without burning fossil fuels, they are highly dependent on petrol imports from the main land of the United States of America. Contradictorily enough, this also leads to outstandingly high energy prices even though Hawaii has a very low energy use compared to U.S. average energy consumption. This master thesis examines why it is of such importance for the Island State to become energy independent. Whilst doing so, the thesis examines the main implemented renewable energy technologies harvesting solar and wind energy. Furthermore, the measures taken to increase energy efficiency are described. Using landmarking cases and events the thesis estimated the further potential of the technologies investigated. Throughout this detailed investigation of Hawaiis situation, main challenges are identified, and recommendations to further push their goal of becoming independent from oil imports, are given. The thesis concludes that the island state has had a great start departing towards 100% renewable electricity production, coming with the benefits of international attention and the opportunity to become a green energy role model. In order to achieve their goal until 2045 policy makers, the research community, social advocates, and important influencers do not only have to keep up their good work but also still need to increase their effort. The need of a common strategy and raising awareness is evident.