Steiner, F. H. (2017). Nanofiber based Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics (CQED) interface for atomchips [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
In this thesis, an innovative 'hybrid' quantum system is implemented, tested and corresponding coupling properties to 87-Rubidium atoms are quantitatively given for the first time. The two items of the system consist of a nanofiber, specially modified to constitute a resonator by means of Bragg gratings, and a could of atoms trapped on a precursor to an 'Atomchip'. The entities have an approximate one-dimensionality in common and the idea of a combination suggests itself, providing the basis of the concept pursued here. It potentially utilises and combines the advantages of both well-established techniques within one experiment. Two of these favourable key features should be mentioned here. Atoms held in Atomchip traps provide long-lived quantum coherence which can be exploited using the strong non-linear interaction with the light guided in the nanofiber resonator. The strongly confined light in this mode furthermore enables high-efficiency atom detection. Long coherence times during which the atom interaction provides non-linearities of Atomchip traps on one hand and extraordinary atom detection efficiencies of nanofiber resonators on the other are within the most prominent key features of the two employed constituents. These are among the most prominent key features of the two employed components. These key features of the two employed components are among the most prominent favourable properties. The fact that the atom trapping happens independently of the fiber should be emphasised, it is based solely on the magnetic interaction of the neutral atoms. Therefore, it opens up the possibility for new applications and insights. A path towards the study of the interaction of a quasi one-dimensional Bose gas with a single-mode guided light field seems realisable. Therefore, it opens up new applications and insights that are manageable to achieve. During the course of the experimental installation elements were tested, characterised and eventually implemented in a specially prepared vacuum chamber. Absorption as well as fluorescence spectroscopy are being performed on the system. Thereby, corresponding quantities like coherent coupling strengths and Purcell-factors are given for the first time.
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