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EGU General Assembly 2019
Publisher Herausgeber
Copernicus Publications
Series Schriftenreihe
Geophysical Research Abstracts
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Publications Publikationen

Results 1-20 of 70 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Tong, Rui ; Komma, Jürgen Accuracy assessment of snow cover classification from the Collection 6 MODIS snow cover images product over AustriaKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
2Adavi, Zohreh ; Rohm, W. ; Weber, Robert Analysing different parameterization methods in GNSS tomography using the COST benchmark datasetKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
3Breinl, Korbinian ; Di Baldassarre, Giuliano Analysing shifts in the timing of extreme dry spells at the global scale.Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
4Hahn, Sebastian ; Vreugdenhil, Mariette ; Melzer, Thomas ; Forkel, Matthias ; Dorigo, Wouter ; Wagner, Wolfgang Analyzing trends in backscatter and surface soil moisture observations from Metop ASCATKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
5Di Mauro, Concetta ; Blöschl, Günter Assimilation of flood maps derived from satellite EO data into a flood forecasting model.Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
6Wimmer, Michael ; Hollaus, Markus ; Pfeifer, Norbert ; Komma, Jürgen Automatic positional Correction of River Axes based on High Resolution Digital Terrain ModelsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
7Azimi, Shima ; Massari, Christian ; Darian, Alireza ; Modanesi, Sara ; Bauer-Marschallinger, Bernhard ; Wagner, Wolfgang Benefit of of coarse- and medium-scale satellite soil moisture products for flood modeling in small basins: temporal versus spatial resolutionKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
8Zappa, Luca ; Xaver, Angelika ; Rab, Gerhard ; Hemment, Drew ; Dorigo, Wouter Bringing coarse scale satellite-derived soil moisture to the field scale using data from low-cost sensors. A case study in a small Austrian catchmentKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
9Katona, Timea ; Gallistl, Jakob ; Nordsiek, Sven ; Bücker, Matthias ; Frei, Sven ; Durejka, Stefan ; Gilfedder, Ben ; Flores-Orozco, Adrian Characterization of beiogeochemical hot spots using induced polarizationKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
10Hanna, Natalia ; Möller, Gregor ; Weber, Robert Combination of GNSS tomography and GNSS radio occultation to establish wet refractivity fieldsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
11Barendrecht, Marlies ; Viglione, Alberto ; Blöschl, Günter Comparative socio-hydrology for the human-flood systems of the regions of EnglandKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
12Landskron, Daniel ; Böhm, Johannes ; Klügel, Thomas ; Schüler, Torben ; European Geosciences Union Comparing atmospheric data and models at station Wettzell during CONT17Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
13Dorigo, Wouter ; Forkel, Matthias ; Carvalhais, Nuno ; Drüke, Markus ; Schaphoff, Sibyll ; Thonicke, Kirsten Constraining modelled global vegetation dynamics with multiple satellite observationsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
14Boisits, Janina ; Landskron, Daniel ; Böhm, Johannes Current status of VMF3oKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
15Lun, David ; Viglione, Alberto ; Blöschl, Günter Detection of flood-rich and flood-poor periods in hydrological time seriesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
16Böhm, Sigrid ; Schartner, Matthias ; Böhm, Johannes ; Gebauer, Andre ; Klügel, Thomas ; Schreiber, Ulrich ; Schüler, Torben Earth rotation variations observed by VLBI and the Wettzell "G" ring laser during the CONT17 campaignKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
17Forkel, Matthias ; Andela, Niels ; Harrison, Sandy ; Lasslop, Gitta ; Van Marle, Margreet J.E. ; Chuvieco, Emilio ; Dorigo, Wouter ; Forrest, Matthew ; Hantson, Stijn ; Heil, Angelika ; Li, Fang ; Melton, Joe ; Sitch, Stepehen ; Yue, Chao ; Arneth, Almut Emergent relationships between burned area and controls in global satellite observations and FireMIP modelsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
18Scanlon, Tracy Marie ; Dorigo, Wouter ; Baum, Doris ; Preimesberger, Wolfgang ; Buttinger, Philip ; Bakcsa, Zoltan ; van der Schalie, Robin ; Reimer, Christoph ; Hirschi, Martin ; Kidd, Richard ; De Jeu, Richard ; Boresch, Alexander ESA CCI and C3S Soil Moisture - Recent advances and quality assurance based on the online validation platform QA4SMKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
19Zaussinger, Felix ; Dorigo, Wouter ; Gruber, Alexander ; Tarpanelli, Angelica ; Filippucci, Paolo ; Brocca, Luca Estimating irrigation water use over the contiguous United States by combining satellite and reanalysis soil moisture dataKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
20Xaver, Angelika ; Zappa, Luca ; Rab, Gerhard ; Greimeister-Pfeil, Isabella ; Vreugdenhil, Mariette ; Hemment, Drew ; Dorigo, Wouter Evaluation of a low-cost soil moisture sensor for citizen-driven satellite validationKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019