11th Europ. Conf. on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis (ECASIA´05)

Event name
11th Europ. Conf. on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis (ECASIA´05)
Event type
Event for scientific audience
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TU Wien
Event format Veranstaltungsformat
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PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Napetschnig, Evelyn ; Schmid, Michael ; Kresse, G. ; Varga, Peter Alumina film on NiAl(110)Präsentation Presentation2005
2Werner, Wolfgang S.M. ; Zemek, J. ; Jiricek, P. ; Lesiak, B. ; Jablonski, A. Angular-resolved elastic peak electron spectroscopy. Experiment, analytical and Monte Carlo calculationsPräsentation Presentation2005
3Forsich, Christian ; Kolm, Ralph ; Tomastik, Christian ; Laimer, Johann ; Störi, Herbert ; Humlicek, J. Control of the composition of titanium nitride coatings during plasma-assisted chemical vapour deposition by spectroscopic ellipsometryKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2005
4Klikovits, Jan ; Schmid, Michael ; Gustafson, Johan ; Lundgren, Edvin ; Varga, Peter Correlating spectoscopy and atomic scale information: Reduction of the Rh(111) surface oxidePräsentation Presentation2005
5Werner, Wolfgang S.M. ; Zemek, J. ; Jiricek, P. Differential surface and volume excitation probability and photoelectron source functions of Cu, CuO and Cu₂OPräsentation Presentation2005
6Rupp, Werner ; Biedermann, Albert ; Schmid, Michael ; Varga, Peter Growth of ultra-thin Fe films on Cu(111)Präsentation Presentation2005
7Werner, Wolfgang S.M. ; Olejnik, K. ; Zemek, J. Influence of surface roughness on elastic peak electron spectraPräsentation Presentation2005
8Werner, Wolfgang S.M. ; Köver, Laszlo ; Novak, M.A. ; Egri, S. ; Cserny, I. ; Berényi, Z. ; Tóth, J. ; Végh, J. ; Varga, D. ; Drube, W. ; Yubero, F. ; Tougaard, Sven Intrinsic and extrinsic losses in deep core photoelectron and Auger spectra of solid Ge and SiPräsentation Presentation2005
9Werner, Wolfgang S.M. ; Smekal, Werner ; Powell, C.J. Measurement of Thicknesses of HfO₂, HfSiO₄, ZrO₂, and ZrSiO₄ Films on Silicon byPräsentation Presentation2005
10Werner, Wolfgang S.M. ; Smekal, Werner ; Störi, Herbert ; Winter, H. ; Stefani, Giovanni ; Ruocco, Alessandro ; Offi, F. ; Gotter, R. ; Morgante, A. ; Tommasini, F. Non destructive depth-profiling with Auger-photoelectron coincidence spectroscopyPräsentation Presentation2005
11Forsich, Christian ; Laimer, Johann ; Störi, Herbert ; Humlicek, J. On the spectroscopic ellipsometry for monitoring of diamond-like carbon (DLC) growth during plasma-assisted chemical vapour deposition (PACVD)Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2005
12Werner, Wolfgang S.M. ; Smekal, Werner ; Powell, C.J. Simulation of Electron Spectra for Surface Analysis (SESSA)Präsentation Presentation2005
13Forsich, Christian ; Gebeshuber, I.C. ; Laimer, Johann ; Störi, Herbert ; Humlicek, J. Spectroscopic ellipsometry as an in-situ diagnostic tool for the avoidance of compound layer formation during plasma nitridingKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2005
14Hofer, Wilhelm ; Klein, C. ; Schmid, Michael ; Varga, Peter ; Köhler, L. ; Kresse, G. ; Gustafson, Johan ; Mikkelsen, A. ; Borg, M. ; Andersen, Jesper N. ; Lundgren, Edvin Structure of thin oxide film on Rh(100)Präsentation Presentation2005
15Smith, R.A.P. ; Armstrong, S. ; Smith, G.C. ; Weightman, P. Studies of controlled defect production on the surface of graphitePräsentation Presentation2005
16Smith, R.A.P. ; Armstrong, S. ; Smith, G.C. ; Weightman, P. Studies of core-level binding energy shifts in graphitePräsentation Presentation2005
17Smith, R.A.P. ; Gebeshuber, I.C. ; Grünberger, C. ; Kaska, K. ; Pleschko, S. ; Winter, Hannspeter ; Aumayr, Friedrich Surface modifications on Si(111): H surfaces caused b the impact of multiply-charged ionsPräsentation Presentation2005
18Schiechl, Hannes ; Rauchbauer, G. ; Buchsbaum, A. ; Biedermann, Albert ; Schmid, Michael ; Varga, Peter Ultrathin Fe films on Cu(111) grown by pulsed laser deposition - An analysis by STM and LEISPräsentation Presentation2005