Fried, R., Fleck Karin, & Rudroff, F. (2022, 0 0). A photometric assay for characterising pigment production conditions in bacteria [Poster Presentation]. Österreichische Chemietage 2022, Wien, Austria.
Textile dyeing effluents with chemically stable dyes from crude oil and other hazardous chemicals are responsible for enormous environmental pollution worldwide. Microorganisms may provide alternatives to textile dyes, but production conditions of coloured
metabolites are often poorly understood and need deeper investigation both for research (characterization of dyes, proof-of-concept) and for later industrial production.
In this work, a photometric wellplate-based assay is developed to systematically investigate environmental influence factors for improved dye production in microorganisms.
Challenges that are encountered and worked on:
• Following dye formation and cell growth in parallel for normalisation
• Increasing robustness by carefully choosing wavelengths and mode of sampling
• Increasing reliability by choosing the right positive control
Project title:
Neue biogene und antimikrobielle Farbstoffe für die nachhaltige Stoffverarbeitung: 1567309 (FFG - Österr. Forschungsförderungs- gesellschaft mbH)
Research Areas:
Biological and Bioactive Materials: 80% Sustainable Production and Technologies: 20%