Frijns, H. A., & Schürer, O. (2022). Design as a Practice in Human-Robot Interaction Research. In S. T. Köszegi & M. Vincze (Eds.), Trust in Robots (pp. 3–29). TU Wien Academic Press.
human-robot interaction; interaction design; design research
This chapter reflects on the scope, methods, knowledge contributions, and normative orientation of design for the
research field Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). The design space of interactions between humans and robots is
characterized as being influenced by the way interaction is understood. Underlying views of interactions merit con-
sideration, as they influence the research questions, methods, and aims of HRI design research. It is argued that
we need to understand the concept of the design space(s) for HRI as extending beyond individual aspects that can
be varied in the design of interactions between humans and robots to encompass the socio-technical system that
the robot is developed for. This chapter further characterizes the practice of HRI designers as comprising multiple
overlapping activities, operating in a complex problem context in a design team with multiple sets of expertise from
different disciplines, comparable to or functioning as transdisciplinary research. This chapter contains a discussion
of knowledge contribution that can be achieved through design practice and concludes with reflections on the responsibility of designers