Linsbichler, T., Maratea, M., Niskanen, A., Wallner, J. P., & Woltran, S. (2022). Advanced algorithms for abstract dialectical frameworks based on complexity analysis of subclasses and SAT solving. Artificial Intelligence, 307, 1–40.
Abstract dialectical frameworks (ADFs) constitute one of the most powerful formalisms in abstract argumentation. Their high computational complexity poses, however, certain challenges when designing efficient systems. In this paper, we tackle this issue by (i) analyzing the complexity of ADFs under structural restrictions, (ii) presenting novel algorithms which make use of these insights, and (iii) implementing these algorithms via (multiple) calls to SAT solvers. An empirical evaluation of the resulting implementation on ADF benchmarks generated from ICCMA competitions shows that our solver is able to outperform state-of-the-art ADF systems.
Project title:
Hybrid Parameterized Problem Solving in Practice: P32830-N (Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF))
Project (external):
Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF) Academy of Finland Academy of Finland