Mirzaiyan-Tafty, M. (2022). Evaluating dog zones in a dense city, a case study in Vienna [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien; Tongji University Shanghai]. reposiTUm. https://doi.org/10.34726/hss.2023.107821
Raumplanung; Stadtplanung; Hundezone; Hundepark, Evaluation, Wien
urban planning; dog zone; dog park; evaluation; Vienna
Dog zones and dog exercise areas are the only spaces in Vienna in which dogs may run off-leash and without a muzzle. These spaces are vital infrastructure for most dog owners in Vienna as they are required to properly fulfil a dog‟s natural needs in the city. With the help of literature reviews, planning document analysis and expert interviews, this thesis develops an in-depth understanding of the subject of dog sites in Vienna. After this, the thesis evaluates all nine dog zones in the fifth district with the help of a standardised survey that was completed by 203 dog owners. Furthermore, quantitative data about the use of dog zones and the use of parks with dogs was collected with 64 hours of systematic, non-participatory observations around two select dog zones and their parks. The results of the analyses can help urban planners and local politicians understand in which goals the different dog zones in the fifth district succeed and in which goals they perform poorly, as well as how dog owners really use dog zones and parks in the fifth district of Vienna. As a conclusion, recommendations for all nine dog zones of the fifth district of Vienna are presented. Furthermore, it is recommended to adopt a holistic planning approach for dog sites in Vienna by introducing the concept of “district level dog site master plans”.
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