Woracek, H. (2022, June 28). A growth estimate for the monodromy matrix of a canonical system [Conference Presentation]. 28th International Conference in Operator Theory, Timisoara, Romania. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/146115
We investigate the spectrum of 2-dimensional canonical systems in the limit
circle case. It is discrete and, by the Krein-de Branges formula, cannot be more
dense than the integers. But in many cases it will be more sparse. The spectrum
of a particular selfadjoint realisation coincides with the zeroes of one entry of
the monodromy matrix of the system. Classical function theory thus establishes
an immediate connection between the growth of the monodromy matrix and the
distribution of the spectrum.
We prove a generic and flexibel upper estimate for the monodromy matrix,
use it to prove a bound for the case of a continuous Hamiltonian, and construct
examples which show that this bound is sharp.