Eugenio Noronha Maia, I., Kranzl, L., Müller, A., Mendonça de Moraes, R., de Almeida, R. T., & Schipfer, F. (2022, September 24). Data-driven estimation of building owners’ budget restrictions on investing in deep renovation [Conference Presentation]. IAEE Conference, Athens, Greece.
E370-03 - Forschungsbereich Energiewirtschaft und Energieeffizienz
Date (published):
Event name:
IAEE Conference
Event date:
21-Sep-2022 - 24-Dec-2022
Event place:
Athens, Greece
Building stock, energy efficiency, economics, data-analysis, HBS, SILC
EU’s deep renovation rates have not been sufficiently fast enough to significantly reduce building
stocks’ emissions. As a reaction against these facts, the newly published policy packages “Fit to 55”
aim to boost renovation activities and to decarbonise the building stock until 2050. Nevertheless,
building owners’ affordability to pay for renovation has been recognised as a significant barrier.
Therefore, a high amount of investments and adequate financing schemes are important instruments
to enable the achievement of these goals.
The present paper contributes to this context by classifying households natural gas expenditure and
their budget restrictions, relevant information to develop more user-targeted financing instruments.
Budget restrictions are expressed through the household’s savings (income minus expenditures). In
this paper, the authors develop an approach to statistically match and test it using HBS and SILC data
for 2015 Spain. Following research questions will be answered: what is the replicability of a method to
merge HBS and SILC datasets? What can we learn about household annual natural gas expenditures,
savings and incomes of four different household types? To carry out this analysis, mainly two databases
of EU-households were used: EU-SILC (European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions) and
HBS (Household Budget Surveys). The method consists of two steps. First, the application of a logistic
regression model to perform a statistical match of both datasets. Then, statistical describing the
income, savings and natural gas expenditure for four household types: single-family house owner-
occupied, single-family house rented, multi-family house rented and multi-family house owner-
occupied. The whole approach was carried out, tested and validated for data from Spain. 16% of the
total households spend annually more than 600 euro for natural gas. Rented single family houses were
identified as the most vulnerable household type, due to their low income and saving. Next steps are
replicating the workflow to other countries. And, using the estimated budget restrictions as input data
in building stock models.
Project title:
Dynamisches Wissenszentrum für EU-Gebäudebestände: 957926 (European Commission)
Research Areas:
Energy Active Buildings, Settlements and Spatial Infrastructures: 30% Mathematical Methods in Economics: 30% Modeling and Simulation: 40%