This workshop demonstrates and practices with the participants ex-emplary activities from a comprehensive collection of newly developed teaching and learning materials from a project team from 10 different countries. First, we give an overview of the materials that aim to support teacher educators of pro-spective teachers of all school types and school levels in teaching computational thinking. The material is primarily aimed at teacher educators and teachers in primary and secondary schools in those subjects that include computational thinking content (languages, humanities, arts, STEM, etc.). The material covers methodological aspects of teaching, introductory activities, and specialized and advanced aspects of computational thinking education. After that we will engage the participants in a series of learning activities conducted in small groups. These computational thinking learning activities are mostly unplugged. Participants' de-vices, laptops or mobile phones, may be used for plugged activities. The work-shop ends with a discussion of emerging questions and specific topics such as assessment of computational thinking learning, plugged vs. unplugged, teaching methodology, etc
Project title:
Informatisches Denken in der LehrerInnen Ausbildung für MINT Fächer: 2019-1-LT01-KA203-060767 (European Commission)
Additional information:
Workshop im Programm der WCCE 2022 Konferenz in Hiroshima, Japan. Ergebnis aus dem Projekt TeaEdu4CT
Research Areas:
Computer Engineering and Software-Intensive Systems: 80% Beyond TUW-research foci: 20%