Parganlija, D., Kovács, P., Wolf, G., Giacosa, F., & Rischke, D. H. (2013). Meson vacuum phenomenology in a three-flavor linear sigma model with (axial-)vector mesons. Physical Review D, 87(1).
Nuclear and High Energy Physics; sigma model: linear | meson: width | meson: mass | axial-vector meson | quantum number | symmetry: chiral | flavor: 3 | vector meson | effective Lagrangian | parametrization | meson: hadronic decay | numerical calculations
We study scalar, pseudoscalar, vector, and axial-vector mesons with non-strange and strange quantum numbers in the framework of a linear sigma model with global chiral U(Nf)L×U(Nf)R symmetry. We perform a global fit of meson masses, decay widths, as well as decay amplitudes. The quality of the fit is, for a hadronic model that does not consider isospin-breaking effects, surprisingly good. We also investigate the question whether the scalar \bar q-q states lie below or above 1 GeV and find the scalar states above 1 GeV to be preferred as \barq-q states. Additionally, we also describe the axial-vector resonances as \bar q-q states.
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