Rossegger, D. (2022, April). The structural complexity of models of arithmetic [Conference Presentation]. 2022 North American Annual ASL Meeting, Cornell University, United States of America (the).
Cornell University, United States of America (the)
logic; computability theory
The Scott rank of a countable structure is the least ordinal α such that all auto-morphism orbits of the structure are definable by infinitary Σα formulas. Montalb ́anshowed that the Scott rank of a structure is a robust measure of the structural andcomputational complexity of a structure showing that various different measures areequivalent. For example, a structure has Scott rank α if and only if it has a Πα+1 Scottsentence if and only if it is uniformly ∆∆∆0α categorical.
One of the objectives of computable structure theory is to obtain measures of thecomplexity of structures in common classes. In this talk we present results on the Scottrank of non-standard models of Peano arithmetic. We show that non-standard modelsof PA have Scott rank at least ω, but, other than that, there are no limits to theircomplexity. Given a completion T of P A we give a reduction via bi-interpretability ofthe class of linear orders to the models of T . This allows us to exhibit models of T ofScott rank α for every ω ≤ α ≤ ω1. In particular, every completion of T has models ofhigh Scott rank.
Project title:
Algorithmische Komplexität von Strukturen und deren Äquivalenzrelationen: 101026834 (European Commission)