Acharya, D., & Khoshelham, K. (2021). Parking Occupancy Detection and Slot Delineation Using Deep Learning: A Tutorial. In S. Winter & S. Goel (Eds.), Smart Parking in Fast-Growing Cities (pp. 143–173). TU Wien Academic Press.
This chapter describes a simple method for parking occupancy detection and an automatic parking slot delineation method using CCTV images. These methods will be presented in the form of MATLAB tutorials with code snippets to allow the interested reader to implement the method and obtain results on a sample dataset. The first tutorial will involve fine-tuning a pre-trained deep neural network for vehicle detection in a sequence of CCTV camera images to determine the occupancy of the parking spaces. In the second tutorial, we perform spatio-temporal analysis of the detections made by a state-of-the-art deep learning object detector (Faster-RCNN) for automatic parking slot delineation. The dataset and the code is made public at