Villa, R. M. (2023, August 8). The Art of Kenosis [Conference Presentation]. The Image Act: Art and Mathematics. Unlearning, Buti, Italy.
E259-04 - Forschungsbereich Architekturtheorie und Technikphilosophie E259 - Institut für Architekturwissenschaften
Date (published):
Event name:
The Image Act: Art and Mathematics. Unlearning
Event date:
7-Aug-2023 - 9-Aug-2023
Event place:
Buti, Italy
Kenosis; Scripture; Architectonics; Infancy
Infancy and unlearning: two notions often subjected to trivialization. Recurring to Emanuele Coccia's study of Averroistic philosophy and Roberto Calasso's "prosthetic theory," the paper aims to articulate a novel connection between the two. The understanding of infancy as a delay in learning, an asynchrony that distinguishes human beings from the rest of the natural realm, and of study and mimesis as a form of active production of this asynchrony offers a fertile ground upon which a reinvention of unlearning in terms of mathematical involution is possible. This ground can accommodate both the technical character of unlearning and allows for sketching further articulations that exceed the dominance of language and the logocentrism of the human Kultur. Furthermore, the analogy between such an understanding of unlearning and sacrifice as a spiritual practice able to "make the void" offers a springboard for expanding the notion of scripture within and beyond the boundaries set upon it by religion and epistemology.
Research Areas:
Development and Advancement of the Architectural Arts: 99% Beyond TUW-research foci: 1%